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Brain Hack 6 – Feel better with the power of music

Music is truly powerful. It has the ability to calm us when we're stressed, make us happy when we're sad and recall a memory from the deepest recesses of our mind, but do you know the effect all that power is having on your brain? This video digs into the best way to use music to make your brain the best it can be

Brain Hack 6 – Feel better with the power of music2020-03-04T08:14:07-07:00

Possibilities Meditation

We like to think we know what's best. It feels comfortable to the primal brain to know things, but all our new possibilities exist in the infinite potential of what we do not know. Take a journey with me, in a direction you can't predict and see what is waiting for you in a world inspired by possibility.

Possibilities Meditation2020-03-04T07:58:56-07:00

Brain Hack 11 – How we think and feel are not our choice

Explore the nature of how consciousness works. Our conscious mind is never the first part of the brain to fire. Subconscious triggers are what dictate the thoughts and feelings we experience. Don't try to program your subconscious mind. Don't try to control your feelings. Change your brain function and watch the way your experience of life changes in response to what really drives the brain.

Brain Hack 11 – How we think and feel are not our choice2020-03-04T08:15:41-07:00

Personal Bubble Meditation

Do you tend to think your personal bubble is about protection? Gain a whole new perspective on what it means to not need it. Our boundaries are an organic expression of who we are. As we express out, our bubble is the edge of that expression and become impenetrable. Gain a stronger sense of self and stronger boundaries at the same time.

Personal Bubble Meditation2020-03-02T08:59:29-07:00

Color Meditation

Whether we experience it visually or kinesthetically, color can be a powerful tool of transformation. This meditation uses color or light or sound, whatever works best for you, to create change in your life you didn't even know you were creating.

Color Meditation2020-03-02T08:45:32-07:00

Brain Hack 7 – The Right 20 Minutes

Do you have 20 minutes a day? Of course, we all do, but how we spend 20 minutes just one time per day can radically transform our lives.

Brain Hack 7 – The Right 20 Minutes2020-03-04T08:16:01-07:00


Do you want an update on what is happening with The Inspired Evolution Project? Here are a few updates and there is even more to come.


Introduction to Brain Chemistry

When it comes to being more conscious in our lives and less driven by the unconscious mechanisms of the brain, we must go to the source. We must work to increase our brain function beyond the mostly unconscious level of mere primate and into the high function capabilities inherent to all humans. An option for that path begins here. I wish you peace and great success on your journey.

Introduction to Brain Chemistry2023-07-30T07:23:14-06:00
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