Articles & Videos
Savoring the Gifts of Winter
This time of year isn't about a seed you're just planning today. It is not a seed you decide or the seed you want. It is a seed born of the fruit of last year’s harvest.
Something to Live For – How I’m managing suicidal ideation
I don’t have suicidal ideation, my daughter does. Two days ago, she swallowed a bottle of her anti-depressants because it seemed like the only real solution to her pain.
The Perfect Formula for Success – How to live your best life now.
What is the perfect path to success? There is a lot of information about what's 'right' and 'not right' to do with your day. Some of it seems pretty ironclad. Here's the issue. There is no 'one right path' for everyone.
Do you feel ready for something new, could that something be you?
Whether you love who you are or wake up wishing things could be different, it doesn’t matter. The human brain craves expansion. We strive for more because we are designed to strive for more.
Understanding our primal selves
It has been a long believed notion that suffering is inherent to all humans and while this was once a true concept, it is no longer the only option we have available to us. Suffering is not inherent. Neither is bliss. They are day to day, moment by moment mechanisms of the brain mechanisms we can manipulate.
What is the Inspired Evolution Project?
We all understand mental illness is a result of poor brain function. Well see doctors and therapists, take yoga classes, learn to meditate and try a myriad of alternative medicines to improve it, but what no one tells us--maybe because they don’t really see it--is that we can completely alter our brain function and therefore, the consciousness it creates; not over decades or even years, but in just weeks to months.
What it Means to be a Muse
Whether it is the touch of the body, of the mind or of the soul; whether it is through physical contact, the blending of colors in a painting or a song that reaches to the very core of who we are, being touched transforms us and fires within us the desire to truly live.
Brain Hack 5 – When what kind of reading is best for the brain
We all know reading is good for the brain, but what we read and when is essential to developing healthy brain function. In this video, I review the first three stages of consciousness and what to read in each, to create the healthiest brain function possible.
Brain Hack 3 – Laughter is not always the best medicine
Human relationships are the most powerful placebo for humans. This means they offer the most positive and negative impact on our consciousness. Knowing when to laugh and when not to laugh can be critical to successful relationships. In this video, I talk about how to tell when to be funny and when to save the comedy for another day.
Brain Hack 2 – The Depth of Sensory Triggers
Everything in our lives is the result of chemical triggers in our brains. When talking about triggers, we often think of the negative impacts they can have on our lives, but Positive Sensory Triggers are a powerful tool for health and well-being, as well. Don't think of your life as carved in stone. Discover the power of choice at a level that makes a real impact on your experience of reality.
Brain Hack 1 Part 2 of 2 – Simple ways to relieve stress
There are a lot of ways to relieve stress in the world. I've tried to catch what I can and I've compiled them into this easy list. In addition to the list, I give a detailed description of why certain things relieve stress and how to apply them in the best way to get the best results.
Brain Hack 1 part 1 of 2 – Simple ways to relieve stress
It's natural to trigger more in times of threat. Between earthquakes and Covid-19, you might be stressed more than usual. Returning to the fundamentals is a good way to relieve stress and manage difficult situations in life with more innovation.
Settling into the Silence Meditation
The world around us is much quieter than it was a few month's ago. For people who suffer from anxiety, silence can be a difficult thing to face. Join us for a new meditation hack, followed by a quiet contemplation of the silence and of ourselves in it.
Brain Hack 4 Discussion Group – Do Something
Between the Coronavirus and living in an earthquake zone over the last week, people here are asking about how to manage fear. I took this opportunity to talk about the difference between the primal fear response to threat and a more advanced intuitive response.
Brain Hack 4 – Do Something
Between the Coronavirus and living in an earthquake zone over the last week, people here are asking about how to manage fear. I took this opportunity to talk about the difference between the primal fear response to threat and a more advanced intuitive response.
The Pool Fear Release Guided Meditation
There is a lot of worry in the world today, but fear isn't inevitable. It's not inherent to who we are. Tonight, we'll take a moment to release our fears and into what it means to live a life of possibility.
Eliminate Fear – Feel Safe Discussion Group
Between the Coronavirus and living in an earthquake zone over the last week, people here are asking about how to manage fear. I took this opportunity to talk about the difference between the primal fear response to threat and a more advanced intuitive response. What is the difference?
Eliminate Fear – Feel Safe
Between the Coronavirus and living in an earthquake zone over the last week, people here are asking about how to manage fear. I took this opportunity to talk about the difference between the primal fear response to threat and a more advanced intuitive response. What is the difference?
Intuitive Mythology
Intuitive Mythology by Linda Forrest [...]